By Allan Edmonds
It was an almost unbelievably perfect summer day and a perfect ride.
Jerry Arveson developed this new "drive and ride" route for a 56 mile loop starting at Heltonville, encompassing new territory on the south side and encompassing parts of Hoosier Hills rides on the north side. He included a 42 mile short option, cutting off a good part of the upper left loop heading back to Heltonville.
Larry Limestone Route Map
There were three riding groups taking part. A group of 8 or so "hammerheads" who opted to ride in the 22 miles or thereabouts from Bloomington, turning this touring ride into a century. A group of 6 or 8 OWLS types drove to the meeting place at the old elementary school on State Road 58. There was also a good female contingent, including one on her first Saturday club ride. Of course the dividing line between these groups wasn't entirely fixed. Altogether around 20 riders took part.
As Jerry reported, he adapted this route from a local fund raising ride he discovered on the web. He scouted it out carefully and prepared good maps for everyone. He made sure no one missed a turn at the two or three places he thought someone might go wrong.
Jerry planned three refueling stops. We stopped briefly in Leesville. Each group stopped at a little store old-fashioned shop in Buddha for quick refueling. Most took a second stop at a service station at the intersection of State Road 446 and US 50, requiring a 1 mile out and back on a slightly busy highway. (And those Hammerheads refueled again in Heltonville before heading for home.)
Stop in Buddha
I can't speak for the other groups, but the OWLS had a great day. It was a good distance and the weather was a treat. And it was fun to explore some new territory. And it was nice to sit comfortably in a car for the half hour drive back to Btown.
P.S. Whoever named that stretch along the southern edge of the route the Devil's Backbone knew what he was doing!
P.S.S. Mike Conway took the photo above and some more, which you can view at
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