Tom Reynolds led a group of 20 riders out on this new NWW route that he and Shelley Bradfield scouted out. Here's Tom getting us organized.

The first challenge was to get through town and on our way out on Vernal Pike, making judicious use of a shortcut at the Winslow Sports Complex and the Y. We eventually circled around on Oard Road, where the stone crushing operation is located. Here's Tammy on her recumbent climbing Oard Road at the Stone Crusher site.

A unique aspect of the ride was a stop at Karst Farm Park, where we waited for several people who had gotten separated from the main group way back at a light on Vernal. Shelley was co-leading from the back, so no one got permanently lost. Another rider also had plenty of time to fix a flat...twice! Then it was back by the airport, and homeward.
This is a great area and one go through regularly from my house (for example, Vernal-Howard-Vernal-Oard-Karst-home).