By Allan Edmonds and CE Taylor
OWLS were anxious to get the new riding season going. CE Taylor had mapped out a twenty mile loop starting at our usual gathering place in the parking lot of Sherwood Oaks Church on Rogers Road. The only problem was a weather forecast calling for probable rain. Despite the forecast nine eager riders showed up, including several new to club rides. The best OWLS rides have a mix of experienced riders and newcomers. CE took a quick picture on his cell phone and we were off about 5:50. The last of the nine riders was Dave, who showed up just as we were rolling out, too late for the group photo. Those in the photo are Mary, Manuel, Ken, Kathy, Allan, Shelley, and John.
We were still on Harrell when Dave got a flat. He waved the group on, but Shelley stayed back with him while he changed it.
Meanwhile the rest of us made it to Ramp Creek. (In retrospect we would have been a lot happier skipping Ramp Creek and just head out and back to Waterworks, as you'll see as you read on.) But soon we were sailing down the hill to lake level and then making the long climb back up to Fairfax Road. Allan and Kathy were talking the whole way up the hill and hardly noticed it. We were going pretty slowly, but still it seemed just about the easiest we had ever made that climb.

We all reconnoitered at the church on Fairfax. We were starting to hear thunder, but Shelley was counting seconds "One Mississippi, Two Mississippi, ..." and assured us the storm was still nine miles out. Dave and Kathy caught up and we set out east toward Fluck Mill.
We tended to get a bit separated. But CE made a careful point of being sure no one got left behind.
By the time we crossed New 37 the thunder and lightning seemed closer. Naturally we were almost exactly at the farthest point from home. So we opted just to keep going. Soon it started sprinkling, and then turned to light rain. About half of us opted to move more quickly toward home while some held back to be sure everyone made it back safely.
It gradually started raining harder and got darker. The lead group got back to the area of the start by about 7:30, but we all split up to head home our separate ways.
The following group rolled in a little later, all well-soaked. John, who actually lives along the return route on Schacht Rd kindly gave a couple of others who lived further away a ride home, while the rest took whatever short cuts they could think of.
We were all pretty soaked. Fortunately it wasn't too cold. We all made it safe and sound. And we'll all be ready to do this same ride again some day later in the season.
We did learn a few lessons: By 7:30 it felt pretty unsafe out on the roads.
- On evening rides be sure to wear light colored clothing. (A couple of riders were wearing dark jerseys.)
- Remember to carry a flashing taillight. (Only two of us had lights.)
Even later in the summer when sunset is closer to 9 pm than 8 pm, it only takes a minor mechanical problem to delay a ride and leave people riding in fading light as they make their way home.

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